Chapter 9 Lesson Plans Test Week.

Johnny Dickson

Chemistry / High School

Week of 1/29-2/2 2024

Chapter 9 Stiochiometry Test Week


Monday 1/29 

Chapter 9 section 3

Objective: The class will predict and determine what will be the limiting reactant that will determine how much product can be made.

Materials: whiteboard and markers.

Activities: Group work and lecture over limiting reactants and how they effect the reaction.

Handout: nothing new

Homework: nothing new


Tuesday 1/30

Chapter 9 section 3

Objective: The class will be able to break a word problem into its parts and solve.

Materials: whiteboard and markers

Activities: The class will receive a lecture and view a power point over calculations and molar ratios.

Handout: none

Homework: Read chapter to get ready for chapter test.


Wednesday 1/31

Chapter 9 section 1,2,3

Materials: Whiteboard and markers

Objective: The class will be able to calculate the amount in moles and mass of a reactant or product from the amount in moles and mass of a different reactant or product. 

Activities: The class will work on problems with me at the board.

Handouts: none

Homework: none



Thursday 2/1

Chapter 9 

Objective: The class will review chapter 9 to take test. 

Materials: Whiteboard and markers.

Activities: Lecture over chapter 9 to take test on Friday.

Handout: nothing

Homework: nothing new


Friday 2/2

Chapter 9 

Objective: The class will take Chapter 9 Test


Activities: Take Test

Handout: nothing new

Homework: nothing new

Chapter 9 Lesson Plans. Stoichiometry

Johnny Dickson

Chemistry / High School

Week of 1/22-1/26 2024

Chapter 9 Stiochiometry 


Monday 1/22 

Chapter 9 section 3

Objective: The class will predict and determine what will be the limiting reactant that will determine how much product can be made.

Materials: whiteboard and markers.

Activities: Group work and lecture over limiting reactants and how they effect the reaction.

Handout: nothing new

Homework: nothing new


Tuesday 1/23

Chapter 9 section 3

Objective: The class will be able to break a word problem into its parts and solve.

Materials: whiteboard and markers

Activities: The class will receive a lecture and view a power point over calculations and molar ratios.

Handout: none

Homework: Read chapter to get ready for chapter test.


Wednesday 1/24

Chapter 9 section 1 ,2 ,3

Materials: Whiteboard and markers

Objective: The class will be able to calculate the amount in moles and mass of a reactant or product from the amount in moles and mass of a different reactant or product. 

Activities: The class will work on problems with me at the board.

Handouts: none

Homework: none



Thursday 1/25

Chapter 9 

Objective: The class will be able to calculate the amount in moles and mass of a reactant or product from the amount in moles and mass of a different reactant or product. The students will  determine limiting reactant, theoretical yield, and the % yield.

Materials: Whiteboard and markers.

Activities: Lecture over chapter 9 to take test on Friday.

Handout: nothing

Homework: nothing new


Friday 1/26

Chapter 9 

Objective: The class will be able to calculate the amount in moles and mass of a reactant or product from the amount in moles and mass of a different reactant or product. The students will determine limiting reactant, theoretical yield, and the % yield.


Materials: board and markers or paper and pen.

Activities: Take Test

Handout: nothing new

Homework: nothing new

Chapter 8 Lesson Plans REACTIONs

Johnny Dickson

Chemistry / High School

Week of 1/15-1/19 2024


Monday 1/15

Chapter 8 section 1

Objective: the class will list 3 observations that suggest that a chemical reaction has taken place. The class will be able to list 3 requirements for a correctly written chemical equation.

Materials: lab equipment, textbook, college text, and whiteboard.

Activities: Small demonstration will be shown to show that a reaction has taken place. Lecture and visual from whiteboard will be given to explain reactions.

Handout: nothing

Homework: nothing new


Tuesday 1/16

Chapter 8 section 1

Objective: The class will be able to balance formula equations by inspection.

Materials: whiteboard and markers

Activities: The class will receive a lecture and view a power point over balancing equations.

Handout: Review Quiz 8.1

Homework: nothing new


Wednesday 1/17

Chapter 8 section 2

Materials: Whiteboard and markers

Objective: The class will be able to define and give general equations for synthesis, decomposition, single-replacement, and double-replacement reactions.

Activities: A lecture and visual from board will be used to explain different reactions.

Handouts: none

Homework: none



Thursday 1/18

Chapter 8 section 2

Objective: The class will be able to list three types of synthesis reactions and six types of decomposition reactions.

Materials: Whiteboard and markers.

Activities: Lecture and power point will be used to explain reactions.

Handout: Review Quiz 8.2

Homework: nothing new


Friday 1/19

Chapter 8 section 2

Objective: The class will predict the products of simple reactions given the reactants.

Materials: whiteboard and markers.

Activities: The students will write and balance many different types of chemical equations after predicting what products will be formed after being given simple reactants.

Handout: nothing new

Homework: nothing new

chapter 8 Lesson Plans. REACTIONS

Johnny Dickson

Chemistry / High School

Week of 1/9-1/12 2024

Chapter 8


Monday 1/8



Tuesday 1/9

Chapter 8 section 2

Objective: The class will be able to balance formula equations by inspection. The class will be able name what type reaction that they are balancing. 

Materials: whiteboard and markers

Activities: The class will receive a lecture and view a power point over balancing equations.

Handout: Review Quiz 8.1

Homework: nothing new


Wednesday 1/10

Chapter 8 

Materials: Whiteboard and markers

Objective: The class will review chapter 8 to prepare for the chapter test on Thursday.

Activities: A lecture and visual from board to help on review. Student will be given time to ask questions over chapter 8.

Handouts: none

Homework: none



Thursday 1/11

Chapter 8 

Objective: The class will take test over chapter 8.

Materials: writing tool.

Activities: take test

Handout: Chapter 8 test

Homework: nothing new


Friday 1/12

Chapter 9 section 1

Objective: The class will define stoichiometry and describe the importance of the mole ratio in calculations.

Materials: whiteboard and markers.

Activities: Review missed test questions, and then the class will receive a lecture and a power point to describe what stiochiometry is and how it is used.

Handout: nothing new

Homework: nothing new

chapter 8 Lesson Plans Chemical Equations

Johnny Dickson

Chemistry / High School

Week of 1/23-1/27 2023


Monday 1/23

Chapter 8 section 1

Objective: the class will list 3 observations that suggest that a chemical reaction has taken place. The class will be able to list 3 requirements for a correctly written chemical equation.

Materials: lab equipment, textbook, college text, and whiteboard.

Activities: Small demonstration will be shown to show that a reaction has taken place. Lecture and visual from whiteboard will be given to explain reactions.

Handout: nothing

Homework: nothing new


Tuesday 1/24

Chapter 8 section 1

Objective: The class will be able to balance formula equations by inspection.

Materials: whiteboard and markers

Activities: The class will receive a lecture and view a power point over balancing equations.

Handout: Review Quiz 8.1

Homework: nothing new


Wednesday 1/25

Chapter 8 section 2

Materials: Whiteboard and markers

Objective: The class will be able to define and give general equations for synthesis, decomposition, single-replacement, and double-replacement reactions.

Activities: A lecture and visual from board will be used to explain different reactions.

Handouts: none

Homework: none



Thursday 1/26

Chapter 8 section 2

Objective: The class will be able to list three types of synthesis reactions and six types of decomposition reactions.

Materials: Whiteboard and markers.

Activities: Lecture and power point will be used to explain reactions.

Handout: Review Quiz 8.2

Homework: nothing new


Friday 1/27

Chapter 8 section 2

Objective: The class will predict the products of simple reactions given the reactants.

Materials: whiteboard and markers.

Activities: The students will write and balance many different types of chemical equations after predicting what products will be formed after being given simple reactants.

Handout: nothing new

Homework: nothing new

Chapter 7 Lesson Plans 2023

Chemistry / High School

Week of   1/3 to 1/6 2023

Chapter 7 Chemical Formulas & Compounds


Monday 1/2


Tuesday 1/3

TEKS: 2c

Chapter 7

Objective :Determine the formula of an ionic compound formed between two given ions.

Activities : Lecture and practice. Whiteboard and YouTube as an aid.

Handout: none

Homework: none


Wednesday 1/4

TEKS: 2c, 2d, 8a, 8d, 11a, 11b

Chapter 7

Objective: The class will receive a review of chapter 7 for the chapter test.

Activities: Lecture and review of chapter 7

Handout: nothing

Homework: nothing new


Thursday 1/5

TEKS: 2c, 2d, 8a, 8d, 11a, 11b

Chapter 7

Objective: The class will be using prefixes to name binary molecular compounds and writing formulas.

Activities: Work with me on the whiteboard.

Handout: none

Homework: nothing new, 


Friday 1/6

TEKS: 11c, 5b, 11a, 4a

Chapter 8 section 1

Objective: the class will list 3 observations that suggest that a chemical reaction has taken place. The class will be able to list 3 requirements for a correctly written chemical equation.

Materials: lab equipment, textbook, college text, and whiteboard.

Activities: Small demonstration will be shown to show that a reaction has taken place. Lecture and visual from whiteboard will be given to explain reactions.

Handout: nothing

Homework: nothing new

Lesson plans First week of November Chapter 6

Johnny Dickson

Chemistry / High School

Week of 10/31-11/4



Monday 10/31

Chapter 6 section 1

Materials: Textbook, chalkboard, college texts

Objective: The student will be able to define whether a bond is covalent or ionic. They will also explain why no bond is purely covalent or ionic.

Activities: The student will receive a lecture and then as a whole the class will discuss how ionic and covalent bonds are different. A power point will be shown to help explain how the two different bonds are neither pure one way nor the other.

Handout: none

Homework: read pp.161-174, Chapter 6 Review 6-1 & 6-2


Tuesday 11/1 

Chapter 6 section 1

Materials: textbook, chalkboard, college texts

Objective: The student will be able to classify bonding type according to electronegativety differences. 

Activities: From value in the prior chapter the student will be able to determine what kind of bond is in use by combining the bond energies.

Handout: Review Quiz 6.1

Homework: nothing new


Wednesday 11/2  

Chapter 6 Section 2

Materials: Textbook, chalkboard, college text

Objective: The student will be able to define molecule and molecular formula. Bond length will be given and the student will determine the strength of the bond.

Activities: A power point will used to show how bond lengths and strength are related. The octet rule, which the student is already familiar with, will be discussed at this time also.

Handout: nothing

Homework: read section 6-1


Thursday 11/3 

Chapter 6 section 2

Materials: textbook, chalkboard, college text

Objective: The student will be able to write Lewis structures. Also, they will be able to determine lewis structures for molecules containing single bonds, multiple bonds, or both.

Activities: The student will begin class with a worksheet to introduce Lewis dot structures. After a lecture and power point they will be able to draw them on their own.

Handout: Review quiz 6.2,6.3

Homework: Read pp. 174-192


Friday 11/4  

Chapter 6 section 3

Materials: text and chalkboard

Objective: The student will explain VSPER and predict the shapes of molecules or polyatomic ions using VSPER theory. They will be able to explain how the shapes of molecules are accounted for by hybridization theory.

Activities: With the aid of balloons and after lecture the student will be able to demonstrate the angles th

at bonds form. 

Handout: nothingHomework: due from Monday.

Week 1 (August 15-19)

Johnny Dickson

Chemistry  High School

Week of: 8/15-8/29 2022

Safety Week and Chapter 1

Monday 8/15 

Obj:  Introduce myself including short history of my life.

Handout: Student information sheet.

Student info sheet- includes name, classification, program, a little something about themselves, parents name and number.

Tuesday 8/16  


Obj: TSW receive syllabus and learn about lab safety and hazards.

Handout: Safety Contracts- have signed and returned by Friday 8/26

Activity: TWS receive handout of lab equipment and LAB SAFETY RULES. Read together rules and discuss lab hazards.

Homework: study the rules/study the equipment for test on Friday.

Wednesday 8/17 


Obj: TSW be introduced to all safety equipment including safety showers, eye wash stations, safety goggles, fire extinguisher, shut off valves, and fire blanket.

Activity: TSW go to each piece of safety equip. in the lab and classroom and physically see how to use the equipment. At this time we will do “what if” scenarios and take questions.

Homework: Read pages 5-7 and 10-18 .


Thursday 8/18

TEK: 2A, 3B-E, 5A-B, 11A

Obj: TSW A) Define what chemistry is.

  B) List examples of the branches of chemistry.

  C) Distinguish between the physical properties and chemical properties of matter.

  D) Explain the gas, liquid, and solid states in terms of particles.


Activity: TSW take review quiz over assigned read material. Discuss all the ways that chemistry is involved in everyday life. Matter and its properties will be next topic and TSW watch a power point on the states of matter, and then take small assessment.


Friday 8/19 

TEK: 1A, 2A, 2B, 8A, 11B, 4A-C 

Obj: TSW A) Take assessment over lab equipment and safety practices. 

    B) Distinguish between a mixture and a pure substance.

Activity: TSW take test over safety rules and lab equipment after a short review. After test TSW read silently from section 1.2 until all have finished. Discussion over section 1.2 and what will be covering Mo