Chapter 6 Lesson Plans BONDING

Johnny Dickson

Chemistry / High School

Week of 10/30-11/3 2023



Monday 10/30

Chapter 6 section2

Materials: Textbook, chalkboard, college texts

Objective: The student will be able to define whether a bond is covalent or ionic. They will also explain why no bond is purely covalent or ionic.

Activities: The student will receive a lecture and then as a whole the class will discuss how ionic and covalent bonds are different. A power point will be shown to help explain how the two different bonds are neither pure one way nor the other.

Handout: none

Homework: read pp.161-174, Chapter 6 Review 6-1 & 6-2


Tuesday 10/31 

Chapter 6 section 1

Materials: textbook, chalkboard, college texts

Objective: The student will be able to classify bonding type according to electronegativety differences. 

Activities: From value in the prior chapter the student will be able to determine what kind of bond is in use by combining the bond energies.

Handout: Review Quiz 6.1

Homework: nothing new


Wednesday 11/1

Chapter 6 Section 2

Materials: Textbook, chalkboard, college text

Objective: The student will be able to define molecule and molecular formula. Bond length will be given and the student will determine the strength of the bond.

Activities: A power point will used to show how bond lengths and strength are related. The octet rule, which the student is already familiar with, will be discussed at this time also.

Handout: nothing

Homework: read section 6-1


Thursday 11/2

Chapter 6 section 2

Materials: textbook, chalkboard, college text

Objective: The student will be able to write Lewis structures. Also, they will be able to determine lewis structures for molecules containing single bonds, multiple bonds, or both.

Activities: The student will begin class with a worksheet to introduce Lewis dot structures. After a lecture and power point they will be able to draw them on their own.

Handout: Review quiz 6.2,6.3

Homework: Read pp. 174-192


Friday 11/3 

Chapter 6 section 3

Materials: text and chalkboard

Objective: The student will explain VSPER and predict the shapes of molecules or polyatomic ions using VSPER theory. They will be able to explain how the shapes of molecules are accounted for by hybridization theory.

Activities: With the aid of balloons and after lecture the student will be able to demonstrate the angles that bonds form. 

Handout: nothing

Homework: due from Monday.

Chapter 4 Lesson Plans Test Week

Johnny Dickson


Week of   10/17-10/20 2023

Chapter 4


Monday 10/16   




Tuesday 10/ 17 

Obj:  TSW solve problems involving mass in grams , amount in moles, and of atoms of an elements.

Activities: compete in a class assessment that will be from a power point to test their skills at conversions.



Handout: none

Homework: Study Chapter 4 for chapter test.


Wednesday 10/18

Obj: TSW go over photoelectric effect and electrons.

Activities: TSW receive a lecture and we will talk about electrons and how the photoelectric effect will explain how energy is gained or lost in the atom.

Handout: none.

Homework: none.



Thursday 10/19

Obj: The student will understand how Bohr developed his theory of the atom  and how electron configuration explains where electrons are on an atom.

Activities:  Students will take test over Chapter 4  .

Handout: Chapter 4 Test

Homework: none.


Friday 10/20 

Obj: TSW a) be able to explain the mathematical relationship among the speed, wavelength, and the frequency of electromagnetic radiation.

  1.   b) be able to discuss the dual wave-particle nature of light.

Activities: TSW discuss in class why they choose the answer that they got wrong on their test and discuss the right answer.

Handouts: none

Homework:  none.

Chapter 5 Lesson Plans Periodic Table

Johnny Dickson 


Week of  10/23-10/27    2023

Chapter 5   Periodic Table


Monday 10/23   

Chapter 5 section 1

Objective: TSW be able to explain the role of Mendeleev and Mosesly in the development of the periodic table. TSW be able to explain how the periodic law can be used to predict the physical and chemical properties of elements.

Materials: textbook, paper, pen

Activities: Lecture and visual aids will be used to discuss the objectives above.

Handout: none

Homework: read pp.123-137.


Tuesday 10/24 

Chapter 5 Section 2

Objective: TSW be able to describe the relationship between electrons in sub-levels, and the length of each period of the periodic table. The student will be given the location of the periodic table and they will be able to give the general properties of each section.

Materials: textbook, paper, pencil

Activities: TSW take a review quiz over section 1 and 2. In a “Round Robin organized chaos” the class as a whole will work and discuss how each part of the periodic table has certain properties because of its electron configuration.

Handout: Review Quiz Chapter 5 sections 1 and 2.

Homework: nothing new.

Wednesday 10/25

Chapter 5 Section 3

Objective: TSW will be able to determine how the Atomic, ionic, redii, ionization energy, electron affinity, and electronegativity increase or decrease across the periodic table.

Materials: textbook, paper, and pen.

Activities: The class will have a lecture and use a power point to illustrate the above objectives.

Handout: none

Homework: nothing new


Thursday 10/26 

Chapter 5

Objective: The student will be able to identify a set of flame-test color standards for selected metal ions. They will relate the colors of a flame test to the behavior of excited electrons in a metal ion. The student will also identify an unknown metal ion by using a flame test.

Materials:  Standard lab Equipment and certain metals. 

Activities: Lab over flame test

Hand out: lab procedure

Homework: none


Friday 10/27  

Chapter 5 section 3

Objective: The student will be able to define valence electrons, and state how many are present in atoms of each main-group element.

Materials: Textbook, pen, paper

Activities: Group discussion and a power point will be used to explain why valence shell electrons are used in bonding elements.

Handout: none 

Homework:  read